What is Sustainability for Business?
Sustainability for business is operating a business without negatively impacting the environment, people or society. Sustainability in business focuses on reducing the environmental impact of and waste within business operations and the supply chain, establishing as a force for good with positive social value, and generating profits through ethical business practices. Sustainable businesses approach creating positive impact as commercial good sense by tapping into a sustainability market worth $12tr annually. Sustainable businesses create strategies, culture and operations that attribute value across people, planet and profit, often described as ‘the 3 Ps’.
To find out more and learn how this impacts your business, talk to us at hello@futuretivity.com
Harvard Business School https://online.hbs.edu/blog/post/what-is-sustainability-in-business#:~:text=In%20business%2C%20sustainability%20refers%20to,or%20society%20as%20a%20whole